January 7th, 2025 | 2025 Legislative Preview
Oregon lawmakers are gearing up for a packed 2025 session that tackles behavioral and rural health, workforce development, Oregon Health Plan reforms, maternal health care and the state’s next two-year budget.
Join the Oregon Health Forum for its virtual 2025 Legislative Preview and learn how key lawmakers are approaching the session.

Emily Harris, Journalist
Emily Harris is an award-winning reporter with global, national and local experience, currently acting as senior advisor and forum moderator for the Oregon Health Forum. She is also the co-founder of a local news nonprofit, Oregon News Exploration, working to increase high-quality, community-first reporting to underserved communities in Oregon and SW Washington.

Sen. Deb Patterson, District 10
Senator Deb Patterson represents District 10, which includes South and West Salem, Monmouth, Independence. She is Chair of the Senate Health Care Committee. She is also co-Chair of the Joint Ways and Means Subcommittee on General Government and a member of the Senate Housing and Development Committee and Senate Labor and Business Committee.

Rep. Rob Nosse, District 42
Rob Nosse is the State Representative for House District 42, which consists of inner Southeast and a little sliver of Northeast Portland. He also serves as the Chair of the House Behavioral Health and Health Care Committee, as well as member of the joint House and Senate Committee on addiction and community Safety.

Rep. Cyrus Javadi, District 32
Cyrus Javadi is the State Representative for District 32, which spans the north Oregon Coast and parts of Columbia County. With a doctorate in dental surgery, he also operates a private dental practice in Tillamook, and is a current member of the House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care.

Rep. Travis Nelson, District 44
Travis Nelson represents Oregon District 44. He is a member of the Sierra Club, American Nurses Association, Oregon Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, the NAACP and a former Vice President of the Oregon Nurses Association. He also serves as Vice Chair of the Behavioral Health and Health Care Committee.

Sen. Wlnsvey Campos, District 18
Wlnsvey Campos represents Senate District 18, which includes Aloha, South Hillsboro and Beaverton, and currently works to support school-based health systems in her second job. She is also co-chair of the Ways & Means Human Services subcommittee, where she champions investments in behavioral health, community-based care services and early childhood resources.
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