June 26, 2024 | Oregon’s Health Crossroads: Can the State’s Medicaid Program Help Fix our Behavioral Health System?

Oregon ranks among the worst states in behavioral health access, and estimates suggest new funding approved by the Legislature will fill only a portion of what’s required. How can the state’s $14-billion-a year Medicaid program do a better job of getting 1.4 million low-income Oregonians the help they need?

Join our “Oregon’s Health Crossroads” series continuation, as we discuss the issues and possible solutions with a virtual panel discussion and audience Q&A.


JSK Reunion 2023

Emily Harris – Journalist

Emily Harris is an award-winning reporter with global, national and local experience, currently acting as senior advisor and forum moderator for the Oregon Health Forum. She is also the co-founder of a local news nonprofit, Oregon News Exploration, working to increase high-quality, community-first reporting to underserved communities in Oregon and SW Washington.



Ebony Clarke – Behavioral Health Director, Oregon Health Authority

Ebony Clarke is OHA’s Behavioral Health Director, bringing over 25 years of experience to the public & non-profit behavioral health arenas. Prior to this role, she served as Multnomah County Health Department Director. Earlier, Ebony acted as the county’s Behavioral Health Director and as Service Director of Child and Family Services at Lifeworks NW.


Kimberly Lindsay – Executive Director, Community Counseling Solutions

Kimberly Lindsay is the ED of Community Counseling Solutions, where she began as a counselor in 1996. She was then promoted to Alcohol & Drug Program Manager and later to Assistant Director. CCS provides outpatient BH & developmental disability services in five eastern OR counties, operates the Grant County Health Department and four residential treatment programs.  

Jill Archer head shot

Jill Archer – Senior Vice President, Behavioral Health, CareOregon

Jill Archer is VP of Behavioral Health at CareOregon, the state’s largest Medicaid provider. Since joining CareOregon in 2016, she’s focused on integrating behavioral health and CCOs in Portland, northwest Oregon & Jackson County. Jill served as the Behavioral Health Director and later Deputy Director of Health, Housing and Human Services at Clackamas County.


Chris Bouneff – Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness Oregon 

Chris Bouneff is the ED of NAMI Oregon, overseeing their statewide public policy & advocacy efforts. He has served as NAMI Oregon’s ED for the last 15 years and has been active with them for the last 18 years. He began his career there working on Oregon’s campaign to win mental health & addiction insurance parity in the OR Legislature in 2005.

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Ellen Pinney – Principal Ombudsperson, Oregon Health Authority 

Ellen Pinney has served as an Oregon Health Authority ombudsperson, an independent advocate for Medicaid members, since helping found the office in 2010. Ellen now mentors and works with a team of eight ombudspersons. Prior to her work with the state, she served for 20 years as executive director of the Oregon Health Action Campaign.

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