April 1, 2020: COVID-19: Oregon Strikes Back

The Oregon Health Forum’s first ever virtual event will feature local experts discussing actions they are taking to contain the most dangerous disease outbreak in a generation, COVID-19. Learn the latest developments in Oregon and get informed so you can prevent the infection’s spread and keep our community and families safe.

James Polo, MD, MBA, Executive Medical Director, Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon, Physician Lead, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon COVID-19 response
Jennifer Vines, MD, MPH, Health Officer, Multnomah County
April Diaz, RN, Vice President, Clinical Services for Marquis Companies
Dahlia Mak, MHA, Managing Director, Health Care Consulting, Moss Adams

Event Details:
Live Stream
Video The video feed for this event will be hosted on Zoom.us. In order to watch and comment, you must download Zoom’s free software and create an account on their website before you can sign in to the live stream. This process takes about 15 minutes to complete.
Phone If you only wish to hear the event, you will receive a phone number and access code upon purchase of your ticket.

Thank you to our sponsors:


For sponsorship opportunities, contact Robin Moody at robin@oregonhealthforum.org